Strategic planning processes are critical to organisational growth and development. Our experienced advisors can assist you and your Board/executive team to develop and implement an integrated strategic plan that builds clarity and commitment on your business objectives.
Our services in this area include facilitating strategic planning workshops, developing vision, mission and values statements, and identifying key strategic objectives. Our experience and flexibility enable us to design an approach that will suit the operating requirements of your organisation, and a comprehensive long-term, action-oriented strategic plan that will generate and ensure sustainable value creation for your organisation in the future.
Organisational design is a key component in delivering your business strategy. RealestateHR’s advisors work with you in translating your business strategy into practice. This is achieved by:
- Identifying the organisational capabilities, culture and structures required;
- Identifying the gaps between the current and desired state; and
- Mapping out a change implementation plan. This may include leadership development, organisational restructuring, organisational cultural change and alignment of human resources practices e.g. attraction and retention strategies, talent management, performance review & development and reward and recognition.