Ross Longhurst
Areas of Expertise
- Award and Enterprise Agreement Interpretation
- Change Management
- Contracts of Employment
- Disciplinary Action and Termination of Employment
- Work Cover
- Dispute Resolution
- Enterprise Bargaining
- Industrial Action
- Payroll Audits
- Redundancies
- Representation/ Advocacy
- Policy Development
- Union Right of Entry
- Workplace Investigations
- Mediation
- Workplace Training
Ross has 20 years of extensive experience and knowledge of contemporary workplace/industrial relations practices developed across a diverse range of environments. Ross provides reliable and pragmatic advice on a wide range of issues, with proven ability to work as an integral member of senior teams or autonomously to achieve required outcomes
- Registered Nurse Division 1(current)
- Diploma Health Science(Nursing) & Diploma of Nursing
- Bachelor of Law and Legal Studies
- Master of Law (Employment)